Exam Insights
KTU S1 ESE December 2021
KTU S1 ESE December 2021
Ed-Gaadi products focus on providing academic support to the B.Tech students. It provides academic-oriented training for undergraduates in the form of pre-recorded subject videos. It usually accompanies a plethora of services
- a student who purchases a course from Ed-Gaadi, enjoys among other things,
- Weekly 3-hour live doubt clearing sessions
- Notes and assignments for each module
- A 5-day long crash course that revises the entire topic before the exam
- A Rapid Action Plan that strategically curates those important topics which usually carry the maximum marks in an exam
Ed-Gaadi offered its initial products to the First Semester B.Tech students of the 2021-2025 Batch of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University in Kerala. They were the first group of students who faced the University exams after learning with Ed-Gaadi. And therefore, it was fundamental for us to take feedback from those students regarding the benefit of our services.
Consequently, we decided to conduct a survey to directly hear from the students. We opened up the survey to not just our subscribers, but also to other students who would hopefully be our future patrons. As a result, we gathered more than 800 responses from diverse colleges around the State.
The survey was conducted during the week after the University examinations. The survey was specifically focused on those subjects to which we provided the services, viz., Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Graphics, and Linear Algebra & Calculus.
We express our sincere gratitude to the respective teachers for sparing their invaluable time in making the subject videos to the best of our satisfaction. Their dedication is conspicuous in the presentation of the topics in the most lucid style.
Despite taking the survey, the final examination result is what we all are eagerly awaiting. We earnestly wish you all to score exceptional marks in your upcoming results.
The solutions to all the difficult questions are attached below.
The Survey Insights
- How was the exam?
- Which were the difficult questions?
This was the first exam as per the University timetable. The exam was conducted on March 23, 2022.

From the response we gathered, it is inferred that the exam was easy for most of the students, as around 52% of them marked it as easy. It is also to be noted that around 2/5th of the students found the exam to be difficult, and only the remaining 5.5% of the students found it to be a moderate paper.

There was a total of 30 questions split into Part A and Part B.
In Part A, question numbers 10 and 7 were in the top 4 difficult questions among all the questions.
In Part B, question number 20(b) of Module V was marked as the most difficult question among all the questions. 16(b) of Module III also grabbed a position among the top 4 difficult questions.
MAT101 ESE December 2021 Question Paper
MAT101 ESE December 2021 Difficult Questions Solution
- How was the exam?
- Which were the difficult questions?
The exam was conducted on April 5, 2022.

When compared to the Linear Algebra & Calculus exam, nearly 3/5th of the students found the exam to be moderate, with only 9.1% of the students responding to it as an easy exam. Interestingly, 32% of the students found the exam difficult.
Traditionally, Engineering Mechanics has been one of the most difficult subjects to comprehend and therefore it comes as no surprise for the low turnout of ‘easy’ responses.

There was a total of 26 questions split into Part A and Part B.
In Part A, it can be inferred from the responses that, the questions were relatively easy when compared to the Part B questions. None of the questions in Part A were spotted in the top 7 difficult questions.
In Part B, question numbers 19(b), 20(a), and 20(b) of Module V were in the top 7 most difficult questions. Question numbers 17(a), 18(a), 18(b) of Module IV and question number 15 of Module III were the
other questions in the top 7 difficult questions.
EST100 ESE December 2021 Question Paper
EST100 ESE December 2021 Difficult Questions Solution
- How was the exam?
- Which were the difficult questions?
The exam was conducted on April 5, 2022.

Engineering Graphics could have been one of the easiest exams for the students as a wholesome 53% of the students found the exams to be easy. Leading behind is nearly 40% of the students who found the exam to be difficult. Only around 5% of the students, found the exam to be a moderate one.

Unlike other exams, there were only 10 questions in Engineering Graphics which were not split into part A and part B. Instead, there were 2 questions from each module.
Interestingly, 50% of all the respondents did not find any of the questions to be difficult.
Among the remaining students, question number 1 of Module I, question number 8 of Module IV, and question number 10 of Module V were marked as the top 3 most difficult questions.
EST110 ESE December 2021 Question Paper
EST110 ESE December 2021 Difficult Questions Solution
Top reasons for exam difficulty
We included a section in our survey dedicated to identifying the reasons why they found their exams to be difficult. And the following was inferred as the most common reasons:

- Questions were tough
- Time constraints
- Difficulty in understanding the question
- Unprepared for application-level questions
- Lack of solving enough practice problems
Ed-Gaadi was formed after having done its background research by taking inputs and suggestions from various stakeholders on how to ease the academic life of a student.
The reasons listed above were the core problems we tried to solve while making our products.
We included in our videos the questions, both tough and easy, from the previous year question papers with a special focus on how to solve application-level questions. Enough practice problems were included in the
videos, and added questions were given as assignment questions towards the end of a module.
It is to be understood that the students have utilized our services to the maximum because when we asked them if Ed-Gaadi videos were beneficial, this is how they responded:

As a budding startup, the feedback from our customers is the only way to establish the effectiveness of our products among the students. Since you have experienced the benefits of Ed-Gaadi first-hand, we highly encourage you to share with your friends
the effectiveness of Ed-Gaadi courses.
Make them purchase Ed-Gaadi courses and get yourselves a chance to earn Ed-Coins.
Let’s all #hopontosuccess together!
The positive feedback and the immense support we received from the students motivate us to do more for you. And therefore, Ed-Gaadi is coming up with new products that is going to make your academic journey even more wonderful
and nourishing.
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